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10/10/11 3:11 PM

#22964 RE: TORPEDO #22957

I understand your thought process, but don't agree.

Even Paul instructed people to follow the Law, not because it could save them, but it is God's instructions for life.

If you moved to another country, and they had different laws, those you would observe. Now, being a Christian, I follow God's laws as it is the "land" I have chosen to reside in.

Be careful. I wouldn't bet my salvation on my understanding of anything. Not because I presently believe I am wrong, but because God's ways are unknowable, and being wrong on just one point could be devastating.

Thought process? Not mine at all. it is what was given to me from God's word to proclaim the gospel to ALL.

I would? Interesting. If that countries law was to dishonor God I wouldn't follow their law.

Yes, I'd bet it all cause God can't be more clear then his love for his people. That love was never to be wrapped up in legalism ignoring Christmas, Easter, Halloween, what ever day we can proclaim his word to the world.