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10/08/11 7:14 AM

#31069 RE: igotthemojo #31066

That is the key point, even if sept 29 monster silk was not meant for production whatsoever........ he told noone of this, which is my point and has been, the april 12 zfn PR, sial called monster silk kblb's proof of concept, then the monster hybrid pr said they no0w have commercial sized worms and are ramping up to quantity.

So this is why new shareholders think along those lines, they see those 2 pr's and don't understand that we were either mislead or allowed to believe an obvious fallacy, and a very obvious reason is to have kept hopes high for those months until April. Anyone that can't see how I or everyone else came to that conclusion is simply unreasonable and not looking at any kblb history.

How friggin hard would it have been for Kim to simply state that further modifications were needed to get a production worm? Apparently so hard that zinc finger says Kim did not have enough time in the CC to say so......... but he had enough time to talk about lady tigers?!?!?!?!?

It is so blatently obvious that atleast until now mojo's tactic on kblb has proved the most viable way to maximize % or $, and the counter to mojo is that " news can come any time"........zzzzzz
And yea I rushed to an agreement with firstmike b/c I was tired of banging my head against a wall, but the fact remains we all had a valid point of view, and the company allowed us to believe it and even talked directly about it over the phone with me. Kim's continued refusal to keep shareholders informed is ridiculous... hellloooo shareholders= part owners of the company...... so to think you don't deserve to know the business plan is ludicrous.

btw Kim is very favorable to the idea of purchasing a silk manufacturing company........ Kim can't just ship breeding pairs to china for obvious i.p. reasons.......... guess what folks, monster silk is gonna cost a whole lot more to produce than originally thought if Kim follows that plan, plus a whole lotta dilution to get there by buying a silk firm. IMO you all should keep track of Kim's plans, he is more than happy to speak to anyone over the phone about it.
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10/08/11 12:16 PM

#31073 RE: igotthemojo #31066

Just for the record, I said we may never see sub-.10 prices again AFTER SUBSTANTIAL NEWS. Just made this post for accuracy sake, which sometimes isn't one of your priorities when stating others viewpoints, but I am very flattered that you may have read one of my posts.