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06/24/05 12:24 AM

#1521 RE: lowtrade #1516

Excellent analysis lowtrade. I have a question though. What is it that you were explaining at the end about lines crossing? What's crossing what and what does that mean for the share price?

Also just to clarify, when you say the MMs are trading it sideways you're saying that they're accumulating shares, right? Are you saying that the MMs are slowly and quietly loading up on shares because they believe TNOG will go higher?

Sorry about the novice questions and thanks again!

Cutting Corners

06/24/05 9:06 AM

#1526 RE: lowtrade #1516

Thanks for the reply lowtrade, and I agree. I still don't see MM's buying (trading)large amounts of stock...mostly matching trades, as in 3 smaller sells to one bigger buy? They don't know when a PR is going to be released ... good or bad.



06/25/05 5:49 PM

#1603 RE: lowtrade #1516

Was posting about when I saw MMs going pro-active and accumulating & manipulating. In the post I'm responding to here.
So there we are, MAY 18th with the smallest daily volume in months, the market makers loaded up (+/-50 mill traded during 7 day accumulation)and a holding tank PR released, a pop and accumulation sideways again. If you look at the charts you will notice a sideways move after runs, instead of a retrace.

This post is ment to be a watch what happens post. NOT a play this analyisis. If you haven't already come to the same conclusions I post here, it's not a time to trade, but to watch and learn. This is a VERY HIGH RISK play and may not become fact! I do NOT recommend selling high on this run, unless you planed too before.

Look what I found at, the site that shows naked shorting. Seem Tnog became naked short, when we started seeing sideways accumulation channels. So that would mean we are buying shares from MMs that they have, but can't settle! LOL
Stock Exchange / Market : Pink TNOG

Listed - 27 Consecutive Market Days. On List as of 05/17/2005 Through 06/24/2005

If my 50 mill traded ballpark is correct, that means they may have a good percentage of the 50 mill shares to stop a run; or profit on a run with. Depending on weather they have them in inventory or have already sold them.

From the action just before the PR, I restate, I "think" they still have some left, but not much. I expect a fight to control a continued run Monday.

If I were them, I'd gap the AM, then rush the PPs up, selling and start buying on a strong retrace. Watch for an unusual large volume on the retrace, to indicate this. Normally volume up is larger than volume down. If it's close, equal, or larger, it's MMs accumulating. The next you'll see lower highs and higher lows, until a down turn at the EOD. With a continued walk down and sideways accumulation, till the next mid week expected PR.

I may day trade this play, selling high and re-entering low,if I see it! Risky business, don't recommend!~!

When you see the MM plays, understand the motives behind them. You can play them. High risk level, but profitable if your reading them correct. It's the play the big guys plays thing, I've mentioned before.

Remember it doesn't take a major pull back, for MMs to profit on a .0005 down accumulation. With millions of shares. That's why the sideways accumulations I showed in the chart was not large retraces.

Still like an accumulation channel;.038/.033. We'll see? Could change to .04/.042 or higher, after Mondays super volatile day. But IMO we will see a channel for a few days of tight sideways trading. IMO indicating the leg 2's starting point, where ever it forms.