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10/05/11 5:22 PM

#35874 RE: arloco #35872

I like this part of Penn's post:

"No hype on bogus pr's, as was the norm from the loch days and first 9 years of Cdex."

In other words, this ugly scam has been nothing but hype and lies since the beginning and you, Pennstreet, have been part of it all along.

All of your many aliases have been intimately involved in this scam and you're continuing to do what you've always done to this very day.

- Bogus PR's

- Bogus products

- Paid shills

- Crooked CEO's

- And Pennstreet.

Nothing has changed, and Pennstreet is JUST ONE of the many obvious reasons why this scam will continue to rip off investors in the same way they've done in the past.

No wonder you seem to know the details of every crook involved.

You're a very smart man... as scams go.

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10/05/11 9:46 PM

#35882 RE: arloco #35872


$90K, ok, the amount was 90K, So what would it cost to have went through a trial of this nature? Which, imho, explains why no one showed up. Imho, a trial of this nature in California, could have easily cost $150-$250K. If my numbers are close, then, lets say for arguements sake, Brumfield/Stratton win.

So they saved 90K and spent 150-250K to do it. Did they actually win? Of course not. Ambulance chasers make a good living doing these type of things.

You are somewhat correct, but if you really want to know "ALL" the facts and tidbits, and you have $$$$$$$$$$$ invested in one side or the other, then you have feet on the ground and ears listening (birdies and parrots).

You say "Unless they have free/gifted shares or paid virtually nothing for them, the chance of recovering their investment is slim to none."

Imho, only those Loch/Cdex shareholders who have already sold all their shares, took their loss, and would refuse to EVER buy another share, have a zero chance of some sort of re-coop.

I am curious as to your take on a shareholder's average price per share in Cdex if he/she bought 10,000 shares of Loch before there was any thought of Cdex. Pick a price that you believe might be a good buy in price of Loch, then tell me where that investor is today with Cdex. How many shares do they have and at what price.


da hollow drum digger,

