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06/23/05 3:01 PM

#595 RE: Rob Phillips #594

Yes, Psychology works both sides. Obviously there must be a common positive for the price to increase and the same in reverse for the decrease. MM's paint the tape everyday and make fasle trades to influence how we react.
There must be pumping for the heard to purchase shares at a time when the Market Makers want the heard to do otherwise. This is why charts and other tools were developed.


08/23/05 11:41 PM

#802 RE: Rob Phillips #594

As you can see, it has taken some time and cogitation to digest and respond to your questioning post. Fear and greed, the two emotions said to drive market pricing short term, are magnified a hundredfold in the pennies. Many more people can have thousands of shares of sub and penny stocks than the blue chippers. This lends to them (us, as them is us in this and many other cases((as Pogo wisely said-" We has met the enemy and them is us!"))) a sense of importance and meaning-inclusion in the vast worlds of investing, commerce and invention. So, more than a mass psychology "fix" I think this is a new (and international) internet based subculture where people "cyber-meet" and safely express themselves, often like blowfish: There is, as you pointed out, much puffery here, and much exageration and pendulum swinging emotion. All of this can be done on the cheap: Losses or gains in the hundreds are cable or cell phone bill amounts of money with a lot more tittilation value here in the pennies. It's the post T.V. opium for the masses, Rob........Sam