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Saint Andrew

06/23/05 12:04 PM

#23628 RE: mcgrawsdad #23616

OT: Wine and Paperclick

VERY good application. Such a simple thing that EVERYONE I know would use.

RE: Investing in wine -> I started purely by accident. My wife and did a winery tour of the Margaret River region in Western Australia. During one of our tastings we both found a wine we really enjoyed and decided to stock up on three cases.

About a year later, we went back on another little holiday and were shocked to see that the same wine was 3 times the price! I spent a while figuring out how to sell a case or two and ended up using a wine broker. I've been lucky and found a very nice one who has provided bonded storage and insurance (storing wine in tropical Singapore where I am is a bitch at best) and who has also been able to educate me along the way. Its a viable way to make some bucks, learn about wine and the downside is being stuck with a great bottle of wine (or a few...)

And beer? Man... I've just started homebrew here where again, temperature is making life hell. Primary fermentation has come and gone in 30 hours once or twice...