alien42~ How is the math coming on FFGO?
Here are the month of September and year to date FINRA short sale numbers for FFGO:
September 2011
20110901|FFGO| 777000|0| 832000|O 93.3%
20110902|FFGO|4000000|0|4000000|O 100%
20110908|FFGO|1920000|0|1920000|O 100%
20110909|FFGO|2500000|0|2500000|O 100%
20110913|FFGO|5000000|0|5299100|O 94.3%
20110914|FFGO|3000000|0|3000000|O 100%
20110923|FFGO|2000000|0|2320000|O 86.2%
20110928|FFGO|1000600|0|1125600|O 88.8%
Month totals: 20,197,600/20,996,700 96.1%
JAN 110,228,197/ 135,899,376
FEB 603,499,999/ 665,528,957
MAR 42,086,299/ 47,619,537
APR 55,046,743/ 57,719,305
MAY 71,734,677/ 77,653,022
JUN 49,116,056/ 49,366,056
JLY 189,497,794/ 191,797,794
AUG 168,375,995/ 188,509,493
SEP 20,197,000/ 20,996,700
Year to date totals
1,309,782.760/ 1,435,090,240 91.2% SHORT VOLUME