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10/02/11 10:54 AM

#1289 RE: fredman #1280

i have owned EK recently,none at the moment , feel like chit that i didn't load on the dip near .60, over thought the damn thing, this is of course in hindsight since it bounced nicely, what started to concern me was the 160M dollar loan,( i had bought @ 2.10 a week early on the credit draw 8k news) logically a company in dire straights should not be able to borrow that much at such a reasonable interest rate,on the other hand, having been too involved in a few Q stocks,the lender probably has a few choice clauses in the credit agreement which will give them a front row,if not the pole position,on a creditors committee if BK became a reality.
now the company does seem to have enough cash for now and its patents are worth nice $$$,the question is can a wounded entity (EK) squeeze fair value from the patents or will it be a fire sale, and there was mention that patent bidders fear that a sale now may be challenged as a "fraudulent transfer" later if they ended up going Q after the patent sale.

obviously lots of BS on either side of argument, each side talking their own book, mgmt cannot be assumed to give a chit about shareholders unless they have very heavy EK holdings( not options, but actual stock).