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09/30/11 3:46 PM

#7090 RE: Ayock #7083

and that has absolutely zero to do with the board topic.....
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09/30/11 7:47 PM

#7097 RE: Ayock #7083

Ayock's incredible the ignorance that dominates this culture.

i try not to judge but when someone else's ignorance starts to cross my line then all bets are off. i would hope that i get the same treatment if i conduct my self in a disrespectful manner.

what is scary is a lot of these individuals that say 'god spoke to me, etc.' are the one's that commit the more heinous crimes and indiscretions...and then rationalize it all under the Get Out Of Jail Card For Free with "well i'm just human and i make mistakes." how convenient.

it's time for a quantum leap...
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09/30/11 7:49 PM

#7098 RE: Ayock #7083

Quantum Jumping - What If Science Fiction Became Science ?

Since the 1920’s, quantum physicists have been trying to make sense of an uncomfortable and startling possibility—that an infinite number of alternate universes exist.

Leading scientists like Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and Neil Turok, all of whom are responsible for life-changing breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics, have all suggested the existence of multiple universes.

This jaw-dropping discovery was first made when, trying to pinpoint the exact location of an atomic particle, physicists found it was virtually impossible. It had no single location. In other words, atomic particles have the ability to simultaneously exist in more than one place at a time.The only explanation for this is that particles don’t only exist in our universe—They can spark into existence in an infinite number of parallel universes as well. And although these particles come to being and change in synchronicity, they are all slightly different.

But here’s where things get really interesting. Drawing on the above-mentioned scientific theory and merging it with 59 years of study into mysticism and the human mind, Burt Goldman has hypothesized a fascinating idea:
In these alternate universes, alternate versions of YOU are living out their lives.

And with an infinite number of them, it means that anything that can happen, does happen—in another universe. So in effect, there is a universe where Obama never won the election and another where Princess Diana is still alive. There is a universe where you are the King of Scotland and a universe where you are a tea farmer in China. A universe where you are a celebrity musician, and one where you busk on a pavement for spare change.

So how do parallel universes come to be? How, if you are born in this universe, are there now an infinite number of dimensions where you exist simultaneously? The theory is simple:
Every decision you make in life causes a “split” in reality…

Which in turn creates two alternate universes—one where the current version of you is today, and another with the version of you who made a different choice. Now think about your life.

Think about all the decisions you’ve made that led to who you are today. If all these decisions caused a split in your reality, each time creating a new version of yourself in a parallel universe who also goes on to make a certain set of choices thereby splitting their reality, you can begin to imagine the infinite versions of yourself that exist.

The Bubble Universe Theory

Now imagine what you could accomplish if you could somehow tap into these alternate universes to meet and learn from these alternate versions of yourself. Imagine the wisdom you’d learn. The opportunities you’d recognize, the skills you’d acquire, and the pitfalls you’d know to avoid.

By meeting these alternate selves, you’d essentially be tapping into an endless universal sea of knowledge and experience. But how, might you be asking, does one access these alternate realities? That’s where Quantum Jumping comes in.

Welcome to the Infinite You.

Quantum Jumping is the process of jumping into parallel dimensions, and gaining creativity, knowledge, wisdom, skills and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

This happens through a phenomenon known as “thought transference.” You see, although the solidity of our world seems indisputable, Quantum Theory suggests that our physical reality is nothing but a very elaborate mirage. A super-hologram of information and energy. A Matrix.

The chair you’re sitting on, your computer, your house, your car, everything that exists around you, is an illusion.

So then how do we see, touch, feel, and smell the things that surround us if none of it really exists?

The answer is that all physical matter is the result of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. A frequency that if you alter, change or amplify in any way, you change your physical and current reality.

We all know from physics class that if you increase the vibrational frequency of water particles through heat energy, you create steam and if you slow them down by removing heat energy, you create ice. And just like heat, our thoughts too are energy.