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Santa Barbara Broker

09/29/11 11:27 PM

#101166 RE: venomen2002 #101160

It would seem you left out a small part..

Yes where Expo Holdings, Inc., JD Brown and Glenn Harrs are concerned, there is an unfortunate ongoing problem with information being presented out of context to misconstrue it's meaning, semantical liberties being taken to imply a 180 degree turn on an original intent and even in the rare instance, the despicable and disengenuous exercise of presenting links to out of date cached versions of invalid website pages in order to totally mislead shareholders into believing certain associates of Expo like those from NRS are someone other than who they appear to be.

In the instance you have pointed out however, there is no reason to worry. Expo Holdings has not corrected the alleged felony criminal misappropriation of it's employees 941 and 940 tax assessments or the lien would have been removed from the NC SOS site. One can readily assume there is no intent whatsoever on the principal's part to ever take steps to correct the situation or begin to repay the monies they stole as they know Expo Holdings, Inc. is worthless and, one would have to believe, they would sacrifice it in a heartbeat in order to deflect the government's attempts to seize their own personal assets.

No, Expo Holdings, Inc. as a company and an entity is done. The principals have stolen everything from it worth stealing including 100% of the shareholder's equity and will now move on. Hope this has helped clear up any confusion. IMHO.