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09/29/11 11:45 AM

#155535 RE: rooster #155522

I like what he says too


09/29/11 12:00 PM

#155536 RE: rooster #155522



10/02/11 9:46 PM

#155789 RE: rooster #155522

Herman is the man! seems that you've got yourself a big problem. I thought you were waiting for Chris Christie to get in because he was your "FAV" of the week but look what "Herb" Cain had to say about the fat man himself. Whatcha gonna do now?

Herman Cain: Chris Christie Doesn’t Fear Sharia Law Enough To Be The GOP Nominee

Republican savior-in-waiting Chris Christie is just too soft on immigration, the environment and the creeping threat sharia law to win the GOP nomination, Herman Cain told a pair of talk shows Sunday.

Capping off his post-P5 straw poll victory lap this week, Herman Cain stopped by Fox News Sunday and ABC’s This Week, where he accused Rick Perry of being “insensitive to a lot of black people in this country” and said Christie was just too much of a left-winger to carry the Republican banner in 2012.

Channeling his role as a tea party favorite, Cain hit Christie on the topics many pundits have suggested will be problems for him in the national Republican electorate should he run for the White House. Among them: Christie has said climate change is caused by humans, that “being in this country without proper documentation is not a crime,” and he attacked right wing fears of creeping sharia law as “crazy.”

So, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked — is Christie “too liberal” to win the GOP nomination?

“Yes,” Cain said. “I believe that a lot of conservatives once they know his position on those things that you delineated, they’re going to not be able to support him.”


Most of the conservatives believe that we should enforce our borders. They do not believe people should be here without documentation. They do not believe global warming is a “crisis” or a “threat” — yes it might be a little bit out there but they don’t see it as a “crisis” or a “threat” and as you go right down the line, he’s going to turn off a lot of conservatives with those positions.

On ABC, Cain — who until recently was among the most vocal conservatives warning of creeping Islamic influence in the United States — attacked Christie for not paying attention to what Cain says is a very real threat.

“Call me crazy,” Cain said. “But there are too many examples of where there has been pushback…some people would infuse sharia law in our court system if we allow it. I honestly believe that. So even if he calls me crazy, I am going to make sure that they don’t infuse it little by little by little.

“I’m sticking to it — American laws in American courts, period,” Cain said.