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09/29/11 1:16 PM

#235680 RE: streetstylz #235670

You would know about the professionalism of how your departure was handled and the stock portion of the comp. I was not questioning that. I have little doubt the deck is stacked in YA's favor and they tell Marriott what to do on all counts.

I don't know and you did not say if you had worked for or reported directly to Marriott. Or if your tenure was with one of her predecessors.

My point was Marriott's management style could be or would be a very large factor as to why there has been such high turnover in the staff over the past 12 months. My sources say she is a reflection of YA and is only interested in having people carry out her edicts and is a real micro-manager. Add that sort of management style to your comments about the comp/stock farce and it is not hard to see why qualified people have left so quickly. In my experience, most people will tolerate problems with a comp plan if they really enjoy the workplace environment and the believe, in the quality of the products. Marriott's management style does not make her a bad person but it does bear on if she is the best person to lead this sort of company.

Beyond my comments, why would anyone want to work at a company that is on a month to month financial respirator?

I'd hazard a guess that Neomedia's 10K & 10Q filings have been talked up by competitors to advertisers, calling into question the viability of the company. Realistically, what is the incentive for an advertiser to use Neomedia if Neomedia's own public filings paint a dismal picture of financial health? Is a big brand going to knowingly put their campaign at risk with a company that only has 30 days of financing? Halfway through your campaign, Neomedia goes bust and all of your QR effort is locked into them? Sure, even Scanbuy can be called into question as to viability, but they can point to the tens of millions they have in funding as opposed to the $300-400K a month Neomedia has to beg YA to give them.

It doesn't matter one bit if the new BOD member, Manetti is the possible replacement in the wings for Marriott. YA will still be there and calling all the shots. He will be powerless and like Marriott, apparently just a figurehead, albeit a well paid figurehead for YA's pump and dump strategy.
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09/29/11 8:41 PM

#235726 RE: streetstylz #235670

Here's one more

"Paul Strezlecki wanted me out. I worked my ass off for them. They issue a PR about a NYC Office. What a joke. Were we all thinking how could they do that when there was no truth to it at all. I feel sorry for the shareholders"