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Santa Barbara Broker

09/28/11 10:19 AM

#101140 RE: venomen2002 #101138

Once again, one at a time...

Still adds up to speculation..and nothing more.. why is it again that the hearsay people are receiving from the proven liars and misleading dirtbags at Expo Holdings, Inc. is constantly being re-quoted third, fourth and occasionally fifth hand on this board as "FACT"? Perhaps you can refresh me on that?

So anyone taking over the company has "mental illness" in your opinion?

They would have some serious impairment in their judgment skill set at the very least. "Mentally ill" may have been a bit strong if that was the message I implied. Still...

I would say that anyone that is trying to turn the company around should be praised..

I would say they would need to be psychologically evaluated as to competency first. There is no turning around THIS company. No chance whatsoever. If you had any business experience at all you would understand that. You could disassemble Expo Holdings and rebuild it. If you wanted to increase the chances of success 100 fold, you could simply redesign it and start over from scratch. But you can't save what simply can't be saved. And Expo Holdings, Inc. can't be saved. Sorry...

An American company employing American workers in this economy is a good thing..

I agree 100%. I also agree that stealing their Social Security contributions and pocketing them is NOT a good thing. Stealing their Medicare contributions and pocketing them is also NOT a good thing. Stealing their wage witholdings and pocketing them is also NOT a good thing. Failing your fiduciary duty to deposit their required Federal Unemployment contributions is also NOT a good thing. Need I go on?

Sorry but EXPO is the company not the stock symbol

No...Expo Holdings, Inc. is the the company. EXPH.PK is the stock ticker. Sorry to have picked up on the mistaken implication that possibly Expo was going to reform under a new ticker that no one but a "special few" insiders with "great sources" knew about and that the stock price would soon soar making everyone holding their worthless EXPH shares rich and if everyone would just now go out and buy as many shares as they could possibly afford that the PPS would start that upward run and the people with massive losses looking to unload...oh, yeah well...never mind ;-).

D&D displays is not the company nor is it the stock symbol..

D&D Displays is indeed for all practical purposes the "company" if by company you mean revenues, business and product. If there was no "D&D Displays" (and the associated massive personal losses Brown and Harrs were desperate to slide off on somebody else) there would have been no need to reverse merger it into Advantage Technologies, Inc.'s NV shell and create the scam Expo Holdings, Inc. in the first place. Cima and ETC are nothing but PR bait. You know that...Expo's only business of any significance whatsoever is the displays they built for Lowes. And now that is likely gone as well.

trusted sources"?? that have nothing to gain

I can certainly understand why that would be such an alien and foreign concept, but yeah. Not having anything to gain (lack of biased motive) is usually what constitutes or generates a form of logical "trust" in an otherwise unknown source. There's some Psych 101...duh.

We are now over the Summer with no new dilution as you and others have predicted would happen..that is a fact

Completely false. We are now over the summer with the company diluting at a 650% annual basis using their own last known valid filing numbers of company net worth. You are correct in pointing out that they have stopped diluting by stock issues since they have been presumably either legally prevented or they have been informed the proceeds from any such sales would be seized. Unfortunately, that form of dilution was only proceeding at an 235% annual rate as opposed to the current 650% rate. I guess we should all hope they solve their current alleged felony tax evasion problems and get back to that former 235% stock dilution driving the PPS into non-report territory as soon as possible, LMAO. IMHO.