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09/27/11 7:46 PM

#155156 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #155090

iMmINeNt RApTUre .. a word from Jesus .. we had a beer together yesterday and I mentioned you to him .. he was irate
that, Pat Robertson and others of similar delusion, had blamed him and his father for the Haitian earthquake ..
seriously, he was almost uncontrollable .. he says it is just stupid .. defamatory .. even almost insane.

Jesus also had this suggestion for you .. he said that he gave curiosity to woan to facilitate, among other
things, the evolution of science, psychology and psychiatry .. he asked that this be passed on to you ..

Religious experience

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2009)

Religious experience (sometimes known as a spiritual experience, sacred experience, or mystical experience) is a subjective experience in which an individual reports contact with a transcendent reality, an encounter or union with the divine.

A religious experience is most commonly known as an occurrence that is uncommon in the sense that it doesn’t fit in with the norm of everyday activities and life experiences, and its connection is with the individual’s perception of the divine. Studying religious experience objectively is a difficult task, as it is entirely a subjective phenomenon. However, commonalities and differences between religious experiences have enabled scholars to categorize them for academic study.

Many religious and mystical traditions see religious experiences as real encounters with God or gods, or real contact with other realities, while some hold that religious experience is an evolved feature of the human brain amenable to normal scientific study.

Differing religious traditions have described this fundamental religious experience in different ways:

* Nullification and absorption within God's Infinite Light (Chassidic schools of Judaism)

* Complete detachment from the world (Kaivalya in some schools of Hinduism, including Sankhya and Yoga; Jhana in Buddhism)

* Liberation from the cycles of Karma (Moksha in Sikhism, Jainism and Hinduism, Nirvana In Buddhism)

* Deep intrinsic connection to the world (Satori in Mahayana Buddhism, Te in Taoism)

* Union with God (Henosis in Neoplatonism and Theosis in Christianity, Brahma-Prapti or Brahma-Nirvana in Hinduism)

* Innate Knowledge (Irfan and fitra in Islam)

* Experience of one's true blissful nature (Samadhi or Svarupa-Avirbhava in Hinduism)

* Liberating the individual to return to a natural state (Dionysian Mysteries)

.. continued ..

Oh! .. Jesus also said, his mate, Sod, (one of God's nicknames) requested this .. 'Is Psychology
a Science?' .. .. be passed on specifically to YOU.

Their request is you pass it on to others, please, others who continue to have illusions/delusions about both of them.

If you show thanks for this i will pass it on to them for you.


09/27/11 9:27 PM

#155185 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #155090

iMmINeNt RApTUre, in the light of factual history ..

"The History of Christianity in Africa began in the 1st century when Mark the Evangelist started the Orthodox Church of Alexandria in about the year 43. Little is known about the first couple of centuries of African Christian history, beyond the list of bishops of Alexandria. At first the church in Alexandria was mainly Greek-speaking, but by the end of the 2nd century the scriptures and Liturgy had been translated into three local languages. Christianity was also planted in north-western Africa (today known as the Maghreb), but the churches there were linked to the Church of Rome.

At the beginning of the 3rd century the church began to expand rapidly..."

.. much more ..

these words from yours appear to be rather duplicitous ..

"Although Muslim lands have been closed to traditional Gospel preaching..."