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09/30/11 10:16 PM

#1150 RE: Wild-bill #1136

What is happening right now with Lynas has nothing to do with them. I recently sent a White Paper to the 27 European Union Commission Representatives (Tuesday), they rioted in Greece on Wednesday because of some of my plans being implemented.
The PIIGS of the European Union need to get their deficits down to below 100% gdp for the world markets to pass 13,000 again. The EU will not collapse if they employ my suggested deficit reduction of 10% per year above inflation. It is a slow and painful reduction, but the market requires stability.

Here is my Economic Stability Formula for free

72 times(your total debt)divided by 14.6, take this sum and divide it by -16.7 multiplied by the total income for the past three years.

The easy way, pay down your gross debt by 10% per year, keeping your expenses at the same level (or lower) than your income. This will hurt the first year, but you will discipline yourself to spend less and less over time.

Second and following years: Reduce your debt by another 10% while keeping your income to debt in balance. If you spend here, you cut there.

After year four to five, depending how large your debt is, you can begin serious investing in your future.

It's like this 10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 of your beginning total debt.
in 10 years you will have paid off 55% of your total debt. Your interest rates will drop. Your credit score will increase. Your self esteem will go off the chart.

Mark Winkle
Financial Consultant
Consultant One