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09/24/11 8:51 AM

#61971 RE: Picassa #61967

When our country’s economic survival depends upon feeding a machine that kills for profit with total disregard for human life or the survival of the planet it should be clear that global military conflict is inevitable.

When I first considered leaving the country I asked myself the question that many others ask themselves – where in the world is it safe? The question should be – where is it safer than where I am? No place is truly safe when facing the specter of a third world war and if or when it comes, it will be on a scale that is beyond most of our ability to comprehend. Nuclear, chemical and radiological toxins are already at intolerable levels. Can you imagine what the Northern hemisphere will be like if the entire Middle East, Far East, Europe and yes, North America are plunged into a war that utilizes chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, depleted uranium rounds and biological agents? The collapse of the infrastructure of many cites will throw humanity into a state of total anarchy. Don’t laugh! – a “Mad Max” scenario is truly possible. The weather patterns and ocean currents for the most part will keep much of the pollution and contamination to the Northern hemisphere. For me, this was one of the reasons why I considered moving to the Southern hemisphere. Sure, the infrastructure isn’t on par with the US, but who cares when it comes to basic survival.

From your post; chilling!!!!! Guess what; he has figured out what is next in the global cartel power struggle. By 2016 most of Europe will be empty-----that prediction just gives me chills and most likely will be proven right; chilly in that a prophet predicted such a good 20 years ago and also predicted what is stated in the above! This war will happen and involve all of the above, and destory the air of the Northern half of the globe; the failout is going to be unreal.

I can only hope Fulford is correct in saying they are trying to stop it!