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The Rainmaker

09/23/11 10:12 AM

#33538 RE: The Rainmaker #33537

EGOC: This didn't happen overnight. On the verge of Greatness. Look how much work it took to get us here....but Ray got it done.

1)Get a call about possible deal in Middle East May 10th.
2)Ray figures out due to high sulfur fuel used in Middle East ExhausTek has to be modified.
3)Two weeks later Ray makes a deal with Neider Fabrication to do the modifications needed for Middle East.
4)Six weeks later Neider finishes the job and the Tests are a huge success.
5)Two weeks later Ray gets everything packed up and on it's way to the Middle East for the Demo.
6) A week later everything gets there and is reassembled. Big day tomorrow, Demo for the clients
7)Testing goes so well all the Higher up bosses need to see it in action. Bad news Ray has to wait for them to get back from Summer vacations.
8)Almost a month later testing begins and is going great.
9)Testing goes so well, finally after a 4 month process EGOC is about to get their first order from Middle East.
10)September 19th EGOC's Official Proposal goes out for a Major Fleet of Buses...19 September 2011: On Saturday we sent out an official proposal - as Requested - for a one-month, in-use (meaning, installed) protocol phase for consideration on a series of fleet buses.

10 May 2011: Energy 1 Asked to Produce ExhausTek Units for Demonstration. The company has been asked to produce ExhausTek units for an end-user in the Middle-East. The request comes via an import / export group that specializes in bringing western products into the middle-east region. We are open to the opportunity and have requested specifications regarding the vehicle types seeking retrofit.

25 May 2011
Units for Middle-East Require Customization for High Sulfur Fuel
After careful research and very distant 3rd party coordination, including more than 40 detailed photographs of each type of transit bus configuration in-use within the region, it was determined that while Energy 1 can produce the appropriate sized and scaled ExhausTek units required for retrofit, a larger issue emerged - the fact that in this area of the world, ULSD (ultra-low sulfur diesel) is not in use, and that in fact, the fuel in use is argued to have the highest sulfur content anywhere (with China reportedly being close behind).This realization and understanding was a fortunate event for the company, one that was almost overlooked. Without knowing this, the un-configured ExhausTek would have not performed as well, verses the assumption of an USLD setting. The sulfur (a traditional lubricant) would have significantly shortened the lifespan of all or most of the components within the ExhausTek.
Accordingly, although at the risk of additional time for fabrication, Energy 1 has taken the necessary steps with its manufacturing designs as well as 3rd party components to ensure positive results within a high-sulfur environment.

9 June 2011: Nieder Fabricating Solutions to Build Two Newly Designed ExhausTek Units

The company is pleased to be working with Nieder Fabricating Solutions to produce two - redesigned - ExhausTek units for demonstration and ultimate retrofit on transit buses within the Middle East region. We are hopeful to continue this relationship into the future as demand for our technologies widens.

11 July 2011: Status Update - Fabrication of Custom ExhausTek Units

We expect to have the ExhausTek units ordered for product demonstration to be completed within the next week to ten days. Upon completion, we will independently test the devices prior to shipping them out for customer demonstration. The aim of our testing is two-fold: (a) to provide hands-on installation experience to customer representatives; and (b) to prove the product's specific configuration for low-grade fuel use, as this is the core concern and challenge behind this opportunity - particularly the high sulfur content.

Following an expectedly successful product demonstration, we anticipate opening orders to satisfy the retrofit needs sought by this customer. We are hopeful that this can be realized within the next few weeks. Stress levels are high and everyone is working at full speed as schedules are tight, the logistics are complicated and the end-user customer is extremely anxious to solve their very serious emissions concerns in a cost effective manner.

26 July 2011
Status Update - Testing Success!

We are pleased to confirm that our testing of the newly configured unit design for the middle-east market is and was a complete success. Tests were done in all power modes - with and without add-on components. Again, it was a complete success; in some cases, the new design performed better than anticipated. Much credit needs to go to our fabricators, suppliers and team for their tireless effort.

The next step for the Company, this project and the opportunity is represents, is to transport the products to the middle-east for end-user customer demonstration. We will coordinate this with the customer’s agent beginning Wednesday, 27 July 2011 (tomorrow) and look forward to an equally successful technology & product demonstration before the end of the first week of August, or shortly thereafter.

8 August 2011: Product Demonstration Imminent!

We are pleased to report that live, in-person, end-user product demonstration is imminent, subject only to real-life logistics. At present, five of six major components are en-route to their middle-east destination. The sixth leaves today via special transit. This was required due to weight restrictions on commercial airlines. Once all components reach the in-country agent, they will be re-assembled and demonstrated for the end-user on a supplied transit vehicle.

12 August 2011:Product Demonstration to Begin Tomorrow

We are please to report that the ExhausTek products ordered for end-user demonstration within the middle-east market is set to begin tomorrow, 13 August 2011, and is expected to continue through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

17 August 2011: Update - Testing Continues

The good & the bad. Word of our presence and testing has spread. There are now some “higher-ups” that want to come and see what we’re doing. That’s the good. The bad is that they aren’t available right now. August isn’t exactly the best time for business within the middle-east. Most of the area is in a holy period, while the rest is on vacation because of the first. We’re being told that it will be “soon”, but no date has been set at this time. Until then, we continue to test on various pieces of equipment.

Middle-East Demonstrations
Testing & Demonstrations are going very well. We are achieving the results we set out to prove - that the ExhausTek can bring Euro V standards to their trucks and buses. These tests and demonstrations have gone on for a much longer period than anyone expected (almost a month more); but they are expected to conclude on Tuesday, 13 September 2011

14 September 2011
Middle-East Demonstrations - Update 1:45 AM EST
We’re are very excited to report that: (a) the long process of in-country testing and demonstration has drawn to a close; (b) that we successfully proved the technology of the ExhausTek; and (c) that they would like to order units for retrofit.

We will be working with the customer’s agent over the next few days to work out the details of what will begin as a trial order, whereby we will be asked to manufacture ExhausTek units to match specific buses and engine designs in order to meet Euro V standards. This trail will serve as a measure for, amongst other things, the remainder of the fleet within this bus municipality as well as those of surrounding regions.

19 September 2011: On Saturday we sent out an official proposal - as Requested - for a one-month, in-use (meaning, installed) protocol phase for consideration on a series of fleet buses.


09/23/11 1:25 PM

#33549 RE: The Rainmaker #33537

V 2!

Thanks for EGOC