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09/22/11 11:28 AM

#12776 RE: bladerunner1717 #12775

FWIW, I sold my position in BAC today at a loss. I bought another nice chunk of Aria. Buying when others are fearful seems to have worked for ole Warren.


09/22/11 11:29 AM

#12777 RE: bladerunner1717 #12775

And thank you for it-

Although I don't rule out any domestic measures in a true emergency, I don't think we will need to contemplate a US tarp 2 because the Europeans will be forced to do the equivalent to bolster their banks in anticipation of ultimately letting Greece go.

The prospect(and/or reality) of dropping Greece will chasten the other potential laggards to bolster austerity in the context of better capitalized banks(the goal and outcome of Tarp 1).

This will finally limit the negative feedback on US banks(including BAC).

Result: a lot of kicking and screaming, but no true apocalyspe.


and thanks again for yours.
