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09/20/11 7:15 PM

#4201 RE: Madclown #4200

Fantastic comments, sir.

The timeline and analysis are both wonderful.

It makes me want to go 100% in on this. Hell, I'd consider leveraging up via my HomeEquityLoan. Risk controls and my dear wife will not allow that to happen but I want to. You never know how it will turn out especially in a courtroom.

A follow up question for the board:
I am going to assume that our side wins and we become class 12. I also will assume that mediation will be successful and we have an approved agreement and payout in say April 2012 (ha-Rosen will still be billing in 2032).

Would it make sense for further litigation against the WMI Board beyond that for additional damages? If so what would the range be? I know that there is probably insurance that protects the board but I doubt if Insurance would cover this and if so would it be worth it. Boards are generally too much of a rubber stamp of management and a court case like this would maybe make boards much more proactive.


09/20/11 9:18 PM

#4202 RE: Madclown #4200

madclown - Thanks for posting.


09/21/11 12:31 AM

#4204 RE: Madclown #4200

These guys make your blood boil…as they use the law to break the law and steal huge amounts of money with no consequences even when their caught in the act. Our system is broken because of these exact type of maneuvers carried on by too many lawyers/politicians.