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06/19/05 2:19 PM

#27367 RE: stockefeller #27351

WIMAX , does anyone have information for these companies? toby does.

June 19, 2005

Dear Investor,

Little more than a month ago, I wrote to all our WaveRiders,
explaining why they had to take a position in the incredible
WiMAX story NOW.

Maybe you missed the message. Or maybe you didn't have spare
cash at the time for aggressive growth investments. Whatever the
reason you didn't respond then, I urge you - no, beg you - to
take a look now.

Everyone else sure is - the stock is UP 21% since May 1st, and
the news just keeps getting better and better:

Intel and Nokia just threw their combined weight fully behind
this burgeoning wireless technology. And BellSouth just
announced a rollout of WiMAX services in Athens, Georgia - that's
like putting up a model home when you're building out a fancy new
real estate development.

My friend, this is a $25 stock by early 2007 - and destined to
run much higher after that. And you can pick it up now - if you
don't wait any longer - for a song.

That's the quick story. For full details, join me at ChangeWave
Investing now:

Attached below is the message I sent out in late April - things
are playing out exactly as I expected. Give it a look, and then
give ChangeWave Investing a try.

Egging you on,

Toby Smith
ChangeWave Investing

(date of first time we sent "tipping point)

Dear WaveRider,

I made one mistake with our pure-play on the WiMAX revolution. I
got in a little early.

Our stock meandered lower because there was no rush, no news, no
push for investors to climb on board now. The industry standards
- and the specialized chipset that'll light a fire under WiMAX -
were a little slower coming than we had projected.

But now, all that has changed.

And this could be your last chance to get in below 11 bucks, for
a ride to $25 or beyond. The stock has already gapped up about
10% since April 15th. Not surprising. But it could quickly move
another 20%-25% from here - our next stop on the way to a TRIPLE.

Here's why: WiMAX -- the next big thing in wireless technologies
-- is now ready for prime time.

As you'll see in the piece I've attached to this message - an
e-mail I previously sent to our ChangeWave family - WiMAX has
been a going concern. But - and this is critically important to
understand - this new industry has been in a holding pattern,
waiting for one thing:

Intel's signal that it was ready to start producing large
quantities of its next-generation WiMAX chips. The industry had
suffered from the lack of a common standard, but not anymore.

Intel designed and created it. And now they're beginning to
crank them out. This thing is going to be HUGE.

And the firm I'm re-recommending to you today - a pure-play on
this ChangeWave - was the first to demonstrate working WiMAX
equipment using Intel's new chips. Their breakthrough products
will be on the market soon.

But you don't want to wait for that. The stock moved 10% on the
demonstration. As Intel ramps up production - and this company's
products are readied for distribution - this story is going to
start getting a lot of press.

And that'll move the stock.

We were early - mea culpa. Don't you be late. (We were a little
early in satellite radio, too - but now our Sirius Satellite
Radio stock is UP 499%!)

Read my previous message - attached below - for more details.
Then get the full story and buy-under price online immediately by
accepting your no-risk trial subscription to ChangeWave Investing

Hit 'em straight,


Off to the Races with WiMAX

You know Wi-Fi, right? The technology that lets you wirelessly
tap into already established broadband connections.

It's cheap. And it's a great way to cruise the Internet over a
latté at your local coffee shop.

But Wi-Fi has one big drawback when it comes to more widespread
use: The signal only carries a couple hundred feet. A big
problem for any widespread use of wireless broadband.

But now comes WiMAX, and it's "problem solved."

WiMAX is like Wi-Fi on steroids, carrying signals as much as 30
miles between towers. I've been telling ChangeWave readers that
this was the "next big thing" for quite some time now - only I've
counseled them to be patient.

But it's NOT time for patience any longer. And not time for
procrastination in buying into this wealth-builder, either.

With Intel's introduction of dual Wi-Fi and WiMAX chips on one
piece of silicon... fully compliant WiMAX systems capable of sending
10-megabit bandwidth to WiMAX receivers for less than $50,000 a

...WiMAX deployments are about to EXPLODE!

Billions & Billions to Be Served

What do folks in Beijing, San Paulo, Moscow and New Delhi all
have in common?

If you guessed WiMAX, you're right! They're already implementing
this technology in China, Russia, India, Brazil - all the
fastest-growing economies in the world.

And it's already taking off even faster than we expected. So why
such a love affair with this new technology? Why do we need it
when we've got landlines? And why are WiMAX networks worldwide
about to take off at warp-speed?

1. Cost.

It's incredibly difficult and costly to put fiber underground or
string overhead lines in countries with little to no existing

But with WiMAX, you can dot the landscape with transmitters and
receivers at much lower expense. Countries like China --
desperate to get its communications capabilities up-to-snuff in
advance of its hosting of the Olympics in 2008 -- save billions
of dollars and decades by going WiMAX.

2. Speed

How fast is it? Lightning fast! 75 megabits per second-that's
quick enough for picture-perfect full-screen video.

And the market for this new technology numbers in the billions.
Plus - if you act now - you're grabbing a ringside seat right on
the ground floor of one of the most-exciting investment
opportunities of a lifetime.

Accept your no-risk trial subscription to ChangeWave Investing by
going here now:

Invest in WiMAX Now Because...

*** It's already rolling in developing markets throughout the

*** Soon we'll see coverage in virtually every corner of the

*** Heavyweights like Intel -- eager to get a piece of this
growth pie -- are investing in making it happen.

*** Speeds are incredible: seven- to 10-times faster.

*** Mobile broadband access is a white-hot market RIGHT NOW.

*** Plus WiMAX can also provide "last-mile" broadband access from
wired networks that is fast AND cheap.

Get all the details by accepting your risk-free trial
subscription to ChangeWave Investing now:

My Favorite WiMAX Stock

It's a TRIPLE sometime in the next 18 months. And when you see
this stock likely be bought out at a huge premium shortly after
that...'ll kick yourself if you don't get in now.

The rollout of WiMAX broadband is now hitting critical mass in
China and India - where this company is the #1 equipment provider
- and several other places throughout the world.

It's a relatively small company now - just about 200 million in
annual sales at last count - but it's about to get much bigger in
a hurry. Consensus estimates peg growth at almost 300% this year

And you know what happens to small stocks on the cusp of rapid
growth - they SOAR!

When I take the company's revenue growth - and earnings that
should triple this year, thanks to increased profit margins - I
see a $30-$32 stock (one selling at just over 10 bucks as I

Are there competitors? Sure - Alcatel, Cisco and Ericsson, among

But I zeroed in on this one stock for three very good reasons:

1. Focus. Unlike most of its competitors, this isn't some
sideline business for this company. The WiMAX crusade is the very
reason for its existence-and crusaders fight very hard for what
they believe in.

2. Experience. They have already built WiMAX systems in 80
countries around the world. It has a huge head-start in China,
counting all four of that country's major operators as satisfied

3. Intellectual property rights. Other people can build these
systems, but it'll cost them. This company owns much of the
intellectual property behind the WiMAX revolution.

So please, don't pass this opportunity up. Right now, we are
smack at the sweet spot of this incredible ChangeWave.

We're going to see rapid deployment of WiMAX over the next couple
of years. If you blink, you'll miss it. If you get on board
now, you'll enjoy the ride of your life.

Go here to accept your risk-free trial subscription to ChangeWave

Join now and receive...

• Full information on our WiMAX money-tripler online right away.

• Breaking news, research and analysis from our ChangeWave
Research Alliance, translated into investment recommendations to
earn you a decade's worth of wealth in the next two years.

• Monthly issue of our ChangeWave Investing newsletter, by mail
and Internet. Here's where you get in-depth coverage of the
ChangeWaves we're tracking at any given time. Detailed analysis
you won't find elsewhere. Economic trends. Specific
wealth-building recommendations. Portfolio follow-ups. Plus
Wall Street's hidden agendas, irrational fears and outright lies
revealed for what they are-and more.

• Weekly Profit Bulletins by email to keep you abreast of
changing market conditions; update current recommendations;
provide the latest analysis of key industries; and much more.
It's like getting another detailed ChangeWave mini-newsletter,
each and every week.

• Flash Alerts whenever conditions warrant. Learn about
breaking opportunities; get urgent market updates; and more.

• And full 24/7 use of our ChangeWave website, where you can
access all our portfolios online anytime you want; get detailed
analysis and updates on all our holdings; read past newsletter
issues, updates and bulletins; and much more-at your convenience.

Simply follow this link now:


Tobin Smith
ChangeWave Investing

P.S. You risk nothing by accepting this trial subscription now.

Cancel anytime in the first 90 days - even the very last day of
that period - for a full, no-hassle refund.

Keep your free Bonus Reports. Keep your newsletter issues and
anything else you've received or downloaded from our website.

And please, take my thanks for giving ChangeWave Investing your
fair try. Go here now: