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09/17/11 9:22 AM

#2670 RE: trader53 #2662

You'll be lucky to get a dollar for all of them when this finally winds down. Which is the more likely next event on the horizon.

Asyst Liquidation Trust
Trustee Report

April 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011
Liquidation Trust Agreement Required Reporting (Article 3.4, section (p))

(i) The receipt and disposition by the Liquidation Trustee of property of the Estate or the Debtor
during the prior quarter, including the disposition of funds in the Liquidation Trust, the Wind-
Down Reserve and Distribution Fund.

Docket - 661
Docket Date - 7/12/2011
Docket Text - Operating Report for Filing Period April 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 Filed by Trustee Other Prof Scouler & Company, LLC, as Liquidating Trustee (Danker, Ashleigh)

Debtor: Asyst Technologies, Inc.