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09/15/11 11:39 PM

#100804 RE: venomen2002 #100802

Maybe charges forthcoming and JD off to the clink??
RE: Management Changes.

Santa Barbara Broker

09/15/11 11:50 PM

#100805 RE: venomen2002 #100802 management LMAO! Looks like your company is out of business. I never get tired of being right about JD Brown and Expo Holdings, you know....IMHO.


09/16/11 12:24 AM

#100810 RE: venomen2002 #100802

Venomen, you just didn't understand the tech or their understanding [lol - no new management mentioned ;-)]. No matter how many times one visits, these ventures HONESTLY transfer from September, to October, to November, to December, to 2012 etc.. Ohhhhhh?! I get it, don't you?! OMG, OMG, OMG!?!!


09/16/11 12:24 AM

#100811 RE: venomen2002 #100802

No veno..... the Company CANCELLED the meeting. Nobody in their right mind would conclude that this company is prepared to...or will answer any meaningful any meaningful manner....

"further updates forthcoming"??? yeah..right.

Tax staus? That one's easy. Tax lien amount increasing.

Management changes? *er*... we've all heard that update promise for over a year.

"Further updates regarding this subject"... further updates regarding the cancellation???...hmmm....the next further update regarding "this subject" will be another cancellation of the tentative date(s) which will FURTHER delay a make-believe meeting....

This "company" , it's "management" and all of it's ***enablers***= complete and utter FARCE....shameful.


09/16/11 7:21 AM

#100815 RE: venomen2002 #100802

Shocker! NOBODY saw this coming. LOL


09/16/11 9:21 AM

#100817 RE: venomen2002 #100802

thanks for the update veno

i check the updates section regularly
<still cranky re: the lack of july data>
last looked yesterday at approx 5pm ..

9/15/2011 8:00:34 PM

"The company's upcoming shareholder meeting is cancelled and will be rescheduled for Mid-Late October. Further updates regarding this subject are forthcoming along with updates regarding management changes, tax status, and a general company update."

all jmo


09/16/11 9:25 AM

#100818 RE: venomen2002 #100802

9/15/2011 8:00:34 PM
"The company's upcoming shareholder meeting is cancelled and will be rescheduled for Mid-Late October. Further updates regarding this subject are forthcoming along with updates regarding management changes, tax status, and a general company update."

Come on man, if they are THAT specific as when they will reschedule, why not just set a NEW date? lol!


09/16/11 4:06 PM

#100856 RE: venomen2002 #100802

And this would affect Jeremiah in what way?

Shareholders are invited to stop by and view what the company is currently working on.