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09/15/11 1:26 PM

#29145 RE: frontloading #29143

email news - contacted intl. distributors..strathkelvin instruments :"No, sorry we don't do an MIT 1000 system. i wasn't sure if you meant our MT Systems or our MC 100 System-that is why i sent the flyer that i did" ..ann white, tel +44 (0) 1698 730400...... also, biotek instruments: "unfortunately, we do not carry this instrument". abby emerson, customer care specialist . tel 802-861-8661.


09/15/11 1:35 PM

#29149 RE: frontloading #29143

more positive email news-mohd ariff bin zulkifli, intl. distributor malaysia and several other asian countries, biotek sdn bhd---verbatim: "Than you for your interest in MIT 1000 System. we do sell this id system. however we need your location/address before we can quote you. kindly please give us your details of address and contact". folks, i'm done for now. simply forwarded info i received...good and bad. i intend to forward to ceo brennan for his review.


09/15/11 1:39 PM

#29153 RE: frontloading #29143

Thanks efrky ...

... for this great DD. You are getting results.

The answer from Weng Cheong Fong of Biotek in Malaysia is very important because he was at the MMTC lab with several of his executives this past March for MIT 1000 training.

Here is the article:

March 17, 2011 08:00 ET
MIT's Distributor in Malaysia Commits to Additional MIT 1000 Systems

"Several Biotek executives, including Director Weng Cheong Fong, visited MIT's laboratories earlier this week for additional training and during the session committed to accepting five MIT 1000 Systems by late summer and ten additional units early in 2012."

Militia Man

09/15/11 2:39 PM

#29178 RE: frontloading #29143

That is good news for US LONGS in MMTC..

positive email news-fong weng cheong, intl. distributor, focus biotech sdn bhd,malaysia tel (603) 614 16254/61416258 ..(my email inquired abut mit 1000 availablity and purchase)..verbatim: "We do distribute MIT 1000 Systems. May i have your contact so we can give you more information."