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09/14/11 5:56 PM

#100719 RE: fourkids_9pets #100717

waiting to see what
is owed and to whom .. *currently* as
of 9/22 ..

Won't make any difference who they owe since the IRS is first in line and they have the means and desire to collect and poor little downtrodden EXPO doesn't stand a chance. Toss in the other lawsuits that just surfaced and EXPO is in one DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP DARK HOLE that they aren't going to be able to lie their way out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that it would be kind of cool to see the IRS agents come to this shareholder meeting since I think that now they are the largest shareholders. It would be pretty good theatre to see them slap the bracelets on the Wizards right there in front of the people that they duped and conned.

Personally I think that JD and Glenn will be absent from the shareholder meeting and will be sipping drinks with umbrellas on the beach in some non extradition country by the time that this dog and pony show rolls around.


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09/14/11 6:11 PM

#100720 RE: fourkids_9pets #100717

IRS Liens, Losses and Insolvency. Thats the reality of EXPH.

i've posted for a dog's age that all
*debt* has to be paid down

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09/14/11 6:12 PM

#100721 RE: fourkids_9pets #100717

A Shareholders Meeting without CURRENT financials Distributed PRIOR to the meeting. Is that even Legal?
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Santa Barbara Broker

09/14/11 6:22 PM

#100723 RE: fourkids_9pets #100717

Brown won't be there at the SM. 1) Unless he's gone absolutely nuts and 2) if they hold the meeting at all. You of all people should know that since you were already sent a set-up excuse from one of those "boots on the ground". "Michelle and Jimmy D out on the road five days a week slaving for the company"? You actually believed that BS, LMAO? It was a set-up for why JD Brown won't be able to attend the meeting because he is "working endlessly to provide the shareholders a good return on their investment". This dirtbag has lied to everyone outside the inner "good ole boyz shareholder pig trough consortium" since day one. He's a crook, he's being sued for non-payment of contractual obligations having to do with the company and he has knowingly participated in the tax evasion which precipitated the IRS placing a lien on D&D's property for 941 witholding fraud. He DID all that while supposedly being a fiduciary to his shareholders, a member of Expo's board and an officer of the company. He doesn't know how to DO anything but lie, and to have him at an official shareholder meeting answering questions would be suicidal not to mention invoking questions on whether or not the people who made the decision to have him there should be committed to mental institutions or not. Only the most Messianic and arrogant of egos could even consider going before shareholders under those circumstances. Be prepared to at least see him attempt to walk on water for the crowd if he shows up.

There is only one way you can handle this situation. You could maybe have Harrs duck in and out (Kendrick probably doesn't even work there any longer), but you turn the whole thing over to a non-fiduciary employee who doesn't know jack-s*** but can think on their feet, have them answer the questions with non-commital BS promising to get back to the shareholder with "solid answers" and pray to whatever god you pray to that somebody doesn't show up armed.

This talk about "debt being paid down" and "Kendrick" who is likely long gone showing up to save the day? You can't possibly be serious? DEBT being paid down? These guys are fighting KNOWN liens and lawsuits estimated at the low end to be well over $600K. Gawd knows what else exists we haven't uncovered. They owe their relatives money. They owe the company $400K personally. They have been proven to lie about company revenues a half dozen times and are probably not taking in more than $10K a month right now at best that the IRS isn't getting their hands on. PAYING DOWN DEBT???? LMAO! Paying down debt with WHAT????? Unbelievable....IMHO.
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09/14/11 8:41 PM

#100728 RE: fourkids_9pets #100717

"i've posted for a dog's age that all
*debt* has to be paid down and X amt
of money in the bank for the new ceo
to *transition* ."


CEOs take the reigns of troubled companies all the time with the task of turning them around. That is what the CEO does. The CEO steers the ship.

The SS EXPH is in troubled waters and needs someone at the helm NOW.

If they can make it to harbor and tie up in port, THEN they get a CEO?

Makes no sense.