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09/09/11 4:28 PM

#41812 RE: kfa670 #41811

You are 100% correct.

The bank was an Italian bank with loads of sovereign debt on it's books.

The Italian banks are notorious for throwing around money...example they were going to give a $50M credit to a Co that reverse merged with a shell. That caught my eye as bold.

Once Italy started having problems the $50M (probably) was withdrawn

This is what really gets me; Durrant is essentially a stockbroker. A stockbroker running a Company?

Looks like a hand full of people made money with the 8M shares at $2.50 when they sold.

I would really like to learn about the 8M shares and what happened to them and who got them because that is the reason this stock tanked. The insiders who unloaded made nice money.

This board should focus on learning about what happened to the 8M shares. When you don't get answers, the gig is up.

THINK people.