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09/08/11 6:44 AM

#29961 RE: igotthemojo #29958

RE: "well the ceo said hes in talks with a body armour manufacturer who is testing the monster silk for use....was he lying?"

No, you are very seriously misquoting him. What Kim said was that Monster Silk was being evaluated for use in it's products by a company "in the security and structural integrity" industry.

That does not necessarily imply body armor and I strongly suspect that it does not. There are many other areas in "security" products where Monster Silk could be quite uesful. However pure spider silk is what would be used in body armor.

Please be accurate and make some attempt to distinguish your interpretations (which IMHO are not noted for their accuracy) from what is actually said. I have listened to the tapes and read all the PRs and nowhere did Kim say that it was a "body armor manufacturer" Not all manufacturers in the security industry make body armor. Even if the one evaluating Monster Silk does, that doesn't mean that body armor is the use for which it is evaluating it.

(In the interest of strict accuracy you did not EXPLICITY say that Kim said that the "body armor manufacturer" was evaluating Moster silk for use in body armor But your misquote of the manufactuer as ("of body armor" instead of what was actually said "in the security and structural integrity" industry clearly implies that. See? This is how accuracy works: I don't just carelessly paraphrase what you said, I quote it exactly. And if I interpret what you said in some way I do NOT claim that you said what I interpret. I note what I interpret and why and allow the reader to decide if it's accurate or justified.
Accuracy, integrity, call it what you will. It is important.

It's OK to express any opinion you want to. It's not OK to say that someone said something that they did not in fact say nor to misquote them in ways that strongly imply things that they did not actually imply. It's not OK whether you are doing that intentionally or just thru rank carelessness. Honesty is not merely a lack of intent to mislead. It is also a matter of intent to not mislead. The difference is hugely important.