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Pour Bouy

09/07/11 11:45 PM

#33273 RE: frontloading #33267

I want to thank you both for responding to me so quickly. I guess I'm somewhat thick headed because my reaction was not the same as most of the statements shown on the board after the most recent PR. As I stated in my post #33221 management has responded over and over again that there is no "NEW NEWS" at this time and there will not be any until all remaining aspects of each pending project has been resolved.

I believe complete frustration set and Mr. Swank was attempting to make it perfectly clear that regardless of what initiatives were set in motion to get a sneak peek as to what the future is, management is not at liberty to expose anything related to any part of the negations until they are signed, sealed and delivered.

He indicated that he is not going to respond because he has shared everything that he can share with us at this time.

The IR has not been on the board simply because he has nothing that he can offer either. Apparently many of us have little or no experience dealing with highly sensitive negations and the need to keep the detains silent until all issues are resolved. Can you imagine for one second what this board would look like if we were aware of outstanding issues? We think it is bad now that would be brutal not to mention those issue are none of our concern. Once the terms of the contract are agreed to and publicize we have a right to question the merits of the agreement. Which I am certain will be shredded beyond recognition once it is released by those considering themselves smarter then the average businessman.

I'll tell you what I think and it's been the same almost since day one. This stock is lumbering along trying to establish itself at a very difficult time in business history. The stock value will not exhibit it true value until it has a strong machine generating excitement as to its future. We haven't doomed this company with this PR. We have only quieted the naysayers for a moment. I must admit the silence is nice. I get so tired of those that make a point and then repeat it over and over again simply because they have nothing new to add to the discussion.

You know what is going to happen as soon as one pending project is approved by the DR officially. Dollar signs will be dancing in our heads. We have what appears to be three major projects each offering potential revenue in the millions.

It would be my guess that there are hundreds if not thousands of potential investors just waiting for one or more of these approvals to come through before jumping on the band wagon.

The naysayers got their answers regarding the online project. They weren't satisfied with the answer so they keep asking the same questions. Until we can guarantee that we can keep unauthorized players from participating we will delay implementation.

Gamebase Has been under validation for some time now. Since I believe it will cover all aspect of "bookmaking" It must be tested from multiple aspects. What works for one process may not be adequate for another. That validation should be about finished. Depending on the overall results of the validation we could have approval any time now.

The fight had not been announced to the general public and therefore posed no problem for our potential clients except those of us that we making plans to attend the October 1st date. Otherwise the postponement was simply a change of the date for the convenience of all parties involved in promoting the fight.

Now we get to the main issue - lack of funds to take possession of the track. The statement keeps being repeated over and over again that according to our current financials we can't afford to get involved with a project of this size and therefore we are misleading the current and future stockholders to encourage purchasing more shares.
But when the statement was broadcast that once the project is completed a group of investors are waiting in the wings to invest 30 million in this project. I'm not sure what the reaction was to this information except maybe it was completely ignored because it didn't fit in with the line that is being touted.

I think any investor that is looking for an investment in a forward thinking expanding company must take a second look at the potential this company offers. Currently you can get vested quite inexpensively. With great potential rewards. There is no scam here. There is no lying, cheating or stealing. Just a simple issue regarding a blackout of sensitive data until the contacts are finalized.

The above is my opinion and is based on my evaluation of data that has been posted on this board and applied to potential results of pending projects. PB
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09/08/11 11:23 AM

#33299 RE: frontloading #33267

I AGREE WITH YOUR COMMENTS Most press releases are written
in such a manner that it leaves more questions than answers.

For the CEO of a company to come out the way he has, leaves me wondering
about his state of mind. I worried for a while thinking it may be the
over indulgence in alcohol, but apparently it's not the use of alcohol as
he has pneumonia and therefore is under antibiotics and consumption
of it is a no, no.

So what would make a CEO come out with so much absurdity and make
the comments he has? This is not the first time he has made what to me
are ridiculous statement, but this last one takes the cake.

There is however one word that has left me with some hope, and that is
the word "intertwined".

Having read the new law of the Dominican Republic concerning Gaming,
The Rules and Regulations contained therein, together with the limited
use of "Bancas Deportivas" or Sports Betting Parlor, such as CGAQ's
" La Buena Suerte " in Puerto Plata, the prohibition of the building or
assembling of Gamebase slot machines, The prohibition of the Slot
Machines in the country, with some limited areas been excepted, like
Casinos, and even so with the use of same limited to Foreign Tourists only,
The whole thing can only come about if its "intertwined" with the
use of the racetrack.

That is that, only by getting the racetrack can the others come to fruition,
and that my friend is a very big IF, that we all hope comes about.

This stock a is now at .0080 with 360,000 shares waiting to be bought
perhaps with the truth, as I believe is written above and the word intertwined
been shed some light the shares may begin to rebound.