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Imperial Whazoo

09/07/11 3:12 PM

#133166 RE: Artiztic1 #133145

I made it clear that I could care less whether JB ever used the phrase because it has no logical impact on the overall point being argued about. Simple as that.

Heating up the plastic is the issue: Is it better to heat it up inside the machine each time, or is it better to have it heated up outside the machine so that it is ready to go when needed?

Thats the ACTUAL question, (not whether any particular set of words were said).

Consider this example, folks:
I could be lacing up shoes rather than processing plastic. If I were to lace up my left shoe over here and have the right shoe being laced up over there, the shoes would be laced up quicker.

Where did this idea of comparing the pre-melt to a ten fold pipe guage increase from your gas tank to your engine enter into the discussion?

I'm not using ten times the shoes, am I? No. All I'm doing is separating the job into two parts.

JBII does not need to increase the size of the individual lots being fed into the machine in order for them to be contemplating a pre-melt step.

The pre-melt step has nothing to do with ten times anything. The analogy is irrelevent, as far as I'm concerned.

I could care less whether there are ten time the shoes, ten time the laces, ten times the plastic or ten time the guage of piping.

All I need to do to increase the speed of the lace-up job being done to my shoes is to set the two tasks (left & right shoes) apart, and likewise, JBII can instantly increase the efficiency of it's process by heating the plastic outside of the machine so that it does not need to be done each time inside the apparatus.

So, by setting the melting apart (which had been occurring in the machine) as a separate process, it follows LOGICALLY that the overall process will benefit.

Nobody ever said there was going to be ten times bigger input of plastic because of the pre-melt step, and so, what on Earth does your idea about a ten fold increase in the guage of tubing have to do with the idea of setting the pre-melt step apart, as a separate process?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Comparing ten apples to one orange? Really?

Listen.... I'll make you a deal: the minute I begin arguing that the pre-melt step they are talking about involves a ten fold increase in individual feed-stock lot sizes, you can logically argue using your example of a ten fold tubing guage increase to your vehicle engine.

Until then.....

Hope that helps.


Imperial Whazoo