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09/06/11 9:44 PM

#29834 RE: igotthemojo #29829

Ever had stitches get infected? I have. Had the cut re-cut to drain it. I was wishing for antibiotic sutures that day.

My point here is just because YOU dont see a use or need for something doesnt mean there isnt one.

I would bet the department of defense would be very interested in sutures with anitbiotics on them for field med kits. There must be a lot of infections in Afghanistan caused by field stitches

maybe its not all that they have been told

if they cant now, they never will...

i will be wrong if all the IF's and there are many of them, a lot more than you think, ever come true

perhaps its not all that shareholders think it is.

Looks like you are just as full of ifs,maybes,and perhaps' as anyone here