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09/06/11 5:16 PM

#23383 RE: RKYMNT4 #23380


If this were to become a long term problem, then yes, it may effect CGFIA's ability to raise cash from the market. But as we have seen from recent history, Guyer has been pretty good at getting work done on a shoestring and using stock as payment. (He has been criticized for doing this by naysayers, claiming unnecessary dilution.)
Looking at where we are now, this close to mill reopening, I believe that the mill shouldn't be as much of a cash hog as some expect. Actually, just the opposite. Remember, the mill has contracts to do toll mining, a way to bring in cash while the mines are readied for operation.

Guyer has also used his own resources to help CGFIA get as far as it has, forgiving some of the debt CGFIA owed to him along the way.

From what I have found in my research, this "chill", historically, should not last very long. (a month comes to mind)

If your trading philosophy is "flipping" then you may run into some trouble with some of the brokers. If you are a "long", then I think this shouldn't be much more than another bump in the road.

This is all IMHO.
Hope it helps, but I welcome other's comments.

CGFIA will overcome this situation.