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09/05/11 10:51 PM

#101086 RE: frogdreaming #101083

Yes I did

They do go bye bye and shorty doesn't have to cover and I know the Short & Distort game.

Stocks NEVER go bye bye


09/05/11 11:28 PM

#101087 RE: frogdreaming #101083

That was a very nice try at sounding informative but it lacked any foundation for what you tried to build.

While you cited GJones statements your interpretations were based on nothing but your own internal belief structure and were completely unsupported by SEC facts.

From Securities and Exchange Commission Web Site

What Every Investor Should Know ...

Corporate Bankruptcy

What happens when a public company files for protection under the federal bankruptcy laws? Who protects the interests of investors? Do the old securities have any value when, and if, the company is reorganized? We hope this information answers these and other frequently asked questions about the lengthy and sometimes uncertain bankruptcy process.

Note: Investors should be cautious when buying common stock of companies in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is extremely risky and is likely to lead to financial loss. Although a company may emerge from bankruptcy as a viable entity, generally, the creditors and the bondholders become the new owners of the shares. In most instances, the company's plan of reorganization will cancel the existing equity shares. This happens in bankruptcy cases because secured and unsecured creditors are paid from the company's assets before common stockholders. And in situations where shareholders do participate in the plan, their shares are usually subject to substantial dilution.

(Note – Bold sentence is SEC emphasis not mcokpba’s)

GJones (post 100852) - Vernon Gene Newton is a SCAMMER And RCC Holdings is his SCAM.

GJones (post 100647) - RCCH has NO verifiable income. RCCH has NO verifiable assets.

frogdreaming (post 100856) “VERIFIABLE PROOF” “HE IS A CRIMINAL SCAMMING PIG.”

You proffered “verifiable” proof that “HE,” RCCH CEO Gene Newton, is a criminal scamming pig. You appear to support GJones opinion that RCCH has no verifiable income and no verifiable assets.

In the SEC corporate bankruptcy educational material, secured and unsecured creditors get paid from company’s assets before common shareholders. In the GJones and frogdreaming (G and f) world RCCH has no assets and creditors/bondholders would get nothing. In the G and f world ‘IF’ RCCH ‘miraculously’ emerged from bankruptcy as a viable “no assets, no income” entity, the creditors and the bondholders would become the NEW owners of the ‘worthless’ shares.

Frogdreaming (post 101083) - Stocks NEVER go bye bye, they always exist and they are always a tradable commodity.

My comment – Logically following your argument, yes, it is possible that RCCH stock may miraculously always be a tradable commodity. But ONLY the newly created creditor/bondholders shares would be the tradable commodity. As a former common shareholder, I would not be able to trade because my shares would no longer exist.

TexasTea666 (post 101079) - Sure they do, you can sell shares you don't have at .0001 for ever to cellar box it with no intention of ever covering them because the pink will eventually go bye bye and you have made a 100%.

My comment – So TexasTea666 is correct and you may want to reread his posts. Sometimes companies do not emerge out of Bankruptcy. Fly on Lorenzo’s Eastern Air Lines lately? Their stock may live on forever is your argument.

Frogdreaming (post 101083) - Regardless of the belief structures of the conspiracists (sp) there has never been a stock driven into extinction.

My comment – The important point you are completely missing is the VALUE of the stock to current or former common shareholders.

“In some instances, a company's plan of reorganization will cancel the existing equity shares.” (Quoting the SEC)

My comment - The evil naked short sellers from Mars would love to cancel all existing RCCH equity shares. Problem for them is IMO, CEO Gene Newton is not going to let any shares to be cancelled. Time is on our side. Good Luck to all Longs.


09/06/11 8:20 PM

#101120 RE: frogdreaming #101083

Rcch, as with others very well may have been shorted.

Funny how none ofl the believers cannot produce a single example of a naked shorted stock or a successful naked short squeeze.

With a small amount of DD...companies will surface. It has been posted before and it has shot down your argument.

Please do some research before posting these things.