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first mike

09/19/11 12:42 PM

#30304 RE: igotthemojo #29749

Hi Folks!
I'm Baaack! (I have been out of the US for a couple of weeks and just returned.)
Unfortunately KBLB did not PR pure spider silk while I was gone so I have had to read through 2 weeks of bickering over small "piles of it".
Hopefully the Spilk (tm) PR will be coming soon now as "early fall" is rapidly approaching.
I agree with many others here that we can not call it late until about November 1st.
Fall equals ~October, November, December, so "early fall" ~= October, and late fall ~= December ~= "By year's end.

IMHO there is zero chance that Kim T. will give up control of KBLB before 2012 and $10. PPS if ever!
He has worked very hard at building devices such as his no-cash-value-but-extra-voting-rights shares purely to insure that he retains control.
Like it or not we are the silent junior partners in this company, not the owner/managers.
I for one have no problem with this.

This is very belated, but I want to clarify one point of my previous discussion with igotthemojo.
Mojo, we are in agreement over most of this, but you misinterpreted one thing that I said:

"And there are many OTCBB "traders" who follow these scam companies like jackals following a larger predator, hoping to make a cheap meal of the spilled blood and bones left behind.
If it were not for lions and wolves, maggots would have far fewer breeding grounds"
This is a true and accurate quote by Mojo from my post #29699
Red words are my inserted comments in mojo's post below

other pink sheet companies would include kblb in that example you just made and wouldnt in a miilion years include their own because they believe in their company just as much as you believe in kblb..
Investors believe in their companies.
The companies themselves, straight or crooked, know what they are.

they all think all those other companies are losers and theirs is the winner...they think people investing in kblb are the jackals..or jack something..
I never referred to any investors as Jackals. Jackals (scavengers) are those traders who knowingly try to make money from the pumps and dumps of companies that they know are fraudulent by being quicker than the average innocent dupe to trade in and out following the crooked "lions" who engineer them.
get the idea? think their companies are scams and traders are jackals...they think they dont know what you are talking about because their company is the real deal..understand?..

My original post (#29665)was about how it was a good thing that we did not get as frequent PRs as are common to many penny stock companies because often these are merely used to keep the PPS high and disguise the fact that the often fraudulent companies behind them are not doing anything to increase shareholder value.
It was not about investor perceptions or loyalties other than the perception sometimes voiced on this board that "it's been too long since we heard any news" This is even truer today than it was two weeks ago.

Thanks, and good luck to all! Be Patient.
Mike L