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09/02/11 2:29 PM

#46911 RE: Homer Simpson #46908

can you tell if the images where diagnostically accceptable (IE: able to be used in a hospital setting)....i would think NO

if everything you say is true why is stock trading at 8 cents...

please dont say poor economy...
please dont say people dont know about device (they have been at the largest Radiology show in thw wordl for four years)

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09/02/11 2:36 PM

#46916 RE: Homer Simpson #46908

Witnessed by 70 people: NO


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09/02/11 10:20 PM

#46940 RE: Homer Simpson #46908

Hey Homer. I'm not a friend of Dean and i was at the OH. I'd say there were more then 70 people there. I would be the first to tell everyone it didn't work if it didn't. The truth, it really worked, it did everything Dean said it would do. I was actually watching the demo next to a radiologist, which i found out after stiking up a conversation when Dean started the demo. He explained everything i was seeing. Everybody left that demo more then satisfies with what they saw. They even gave Dean a round of applause after the demo. I spoke to several of the investors at the earlies open house months ago, most of them were very upset with what has been goin on, but i can tell you after this OH, they were very excited about the posibilities. So for people that sit here and say it doesn't work or it was only Dean's friends that were there,that's nonsense. I saw it with my own eyes along with several other investors. The Dominion does work as advertised. Now it's a question of doing the submittal correctly. Hope that helps.