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09/02/11 12:21 PM

#143075 RE: CancunCharlie #143070

So... has management or will management publish ANYTHING offical about whatever they told investors in the CC yesterday?


There was also no promise to upload the conference call to GOIG's website.

Other than the fresh lies, unless a listener recorded the CC, there's no documented record from the company as to content.


09/02/11 12:24 PM

#143076 RE: CancunCharlie #143070

Cancun, recap:
I will leave out the ummmms, & Uhhhs, that will take up too much space.

Finz-Next day or 2. ...3 yrs. reporting, June 30th., minimal debt.
2 LOI's pending, hope to finalize next 30 days, which are,
1)Mobile Tech. w/patents
2)Mobile App., in the arena of music, looking @ acquisitions.
Was hoping the LOI's would have finalized by CC.
Oct. 2nd. next CC.
IR is Ike Hope Sutton, (ooops, meant H.)
You can address any questions @

Thanks for your continued support!