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09/01/11 1:54 PM

#29675 RE: igotthemojo #29665

About the goats, I think Zinc explained once why our method is so much better than the goats milk method. I don't remember all the details but i was very satisfied with his reasoning. Among other things: our method will produce much more of the silk protein, at far less expense.

If Zinc reads this, I hope he will reply with a re-post of that explanation or a link to it.

Why are you so down on the company?

first mike

09/01/11 1:57 PM

#29676 RE: igotthemojo #29665


I think that any dev stage penny stock is always a long shot.
They are valued in pennies because they have no income or product.

That being a given, honesty is actually a disadvantage to a penny stock.
The blatant liars, pumpers, and scams at least sound good to the ignorant, and there are traders who don't care about scams other than to go along for the ride and make some quick money.

KBLB is down and will keep going down because there is no news.
The pure scams make sure to put out some "wonderful" news at least once a week.

The goats milk thing, like exogenetics, sought more publicity because they tried (and succeeded) to get public funding.

The Netherlands artist lady got funding there for an entry into a parochial competition.

All of these are very old news, but some US media are looking to fill air time this season.

Mike L.


09/01/11 3:58 PM

#29682 RE: igotthemojo #29665

Sure, it makes perfect sense: We should just wait until it's priced at $10/share and THEN buy it, right? When that time comes you can buy a few of my shares.