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06/14/05 7:13 PM

#1107 RE: davidam #1106

Daivd/Robsaia IVFH will have gains and hold gains only on fundamentals news that shows revenues/growth, nothing else. There are lots of BB stocks that are doing bad despite being on OTCBB becuase they don't have enough revenue/profits to survive and attract lots of penny pinchers who are in for couple of days ride and then move on.

The reason this stock is best long term hold is

-low float, miminum dilution ( as of now),
-steady business(recession proof),
-good business model,
-management who is willing to talk to shareholders,
-steady revenue stream,
-no overdependance on any specific client due to wide range of clients and
-distributed base and source of revenue
-they look sincere type of people when you talk to them and lack wallstreet gimmicks which is sometimes nice in a way
-they don't look like they are overly focused on stock price and i sensed that whenever i talked about stock price to Joe/Jonnathan, although i do agree bigger stock price attracts more investors
-hopefully not a big target of MM because volume is not there for MM to make big bucks in quick run, so not on SHO list, MM tend to flock around stock that has fluff news and massive volumes like TNOG, CYOS etc. However occasional manipulation is seen, but not constant dumping and MM let this go both ways as we have seen from rally to 0.04 to 0.11
-the main reason for stock price drop last year was the phone scam that destroyed this stock, or else it could be trading atleast in 20-30 cents range
- the phone scam is now over and company is cleared from all that mess, now we start with clean sheet
-we do have to agree the fact that once stock drops this low the rise is often slow and bumpy due to nature of the markets and psychology of tarders/investors as it's hard to lose profits and mmove on. Also the BB markets are known only for quick profits and driven based on news as MOMO flock from one fad to other

Hopefully their next busines/revenues related news will make things crystal clear and i have no doubt they are doign fine based on several talks i had with Jonnathan.

The tough thing is we have to stay away from day to day swings and focus on it. it's a tough job in BB world with occasional panic dumps and wild swings, but sometimes we just have to keep focus on long term and hang around as long as company is executing, gowing and making profits.

i have been whipsawed twice so far and got into panic, however next day my senses were back when i read Joe/Jonnathan's email and then called them to verify the truth. i guess once we hear more news from them confidence will grow and we can get through these ocassinal MOMO driven sell offs that happen with all stocks, not just this one. I love this stock because i have talked to them so many times that makes me feel better ,assured and never feel like selling when the sanity returns as i see lots of long term potential if we ride this baby atleats for an 1-2 years and make some bucks for all shareholders.

i love steady stream of revenue which looks a real good business model in this economy. This is non technolgy, non energy, no current fad type of company not linked to the cycles/whims of the market. A steady business and steady stock price gives peace of mind.