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08/31/11 11:05 AM

#25588 RE: smokey888 #25578

Oh. I thought the 40M shares that were added to the O/S in the last 2 weeks had already been sold.


08/31/11 11:22 AM

#25594 RE: smokey888 #25578

smokey you are an asset to this forum. you keep it real without getting in anyone's face. (at least from the sample I've read)

optimism has its place and I would never want to scare someone away from a stock that could've made them rich if they stayed in but this sure seems like the same old playbook. I've been in other companies just waiting for the key PR that never comes while they distract with partnership PRs etc. They always seem huge but then months later you wonder, what ever happened to company xyz? I wish some would wise up and stop the mindless pumping. A forum should be a place where investors can air their grievances and point out the red flags when they see them. Mindless pumping for own self interest doesn't help anyone (neither does baseless bashing). I would absolutely love to plop down 12k here for 2m shares and wake up a year from now a millionaire but its that sort of thinking that we go broke on instead. Pragmatic, realistic assessment of these companies and realization that no one who sees behind the curtain is on our side. Its us against them but they need to create the illusions so we don't see it. I'm not looking to bash this company or rooting for lower prices. I have a buy order at .002. It may never get there but I may pull it anyway b/c I don't care whether I get in at .006 or .002 unless I'm trading it which I've done a few times. I'd rather buy at .05 if the black clouds were truly removed yet the company was saddled with a bad rep. I respect investors who will read the filings with a critical eye and put the toughest what-ifs to the stock. Some have done some great DD on the product and the potential but what use is it if the stock has been blown up? Investors aren't demanding anything of this stock. Stop being blinded by greed and demand better behavior. Do that and you can survive and prosper b/c the herd is going to get sucked in by the games.

Thanks for the tip about consulting the transfer agent to keep up with share counts. That's something very valuable I'll take with me and feel sort of stupid for never considering it.

My apologies if this post offends. I won't take the bait of emotional responses, but show me where I'm wrong and I'll acknowledge and agree and be better off for it.