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08/30/11 12:12 AM

#46708 RE: Woodberry578 #46707

If you wanna get the share price back up, then do things that showcase the DVIS.

1. Have an independent radiologist review the DVIS and proclaim its value.

2. Have it written up in a medical journal.

Instead, we get hocus pocus shows for friends and family. Instead, we get MoneyTV but no demo of the real-time 3D. Total garbage.
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08/30/11 8:45 AM

#46719 RE: Woodberry578 #46707


you previously posted that at the shareholder meeting, Dean said that he had "millions" of financing available to him, presumably from Cranshire. Is that correct? Why do you fee that Cranshire has not provided such financing besides IMGG defaulting on the share registration earlier this year?


""Dean is optimistic the new resubmittal will happen by either the end of February or March (I would not hold Dean to these specific dates. Remember: it is his best "guess-ta-mit"). The resubmission will be proceeded by a face-to-face meeting with the head of the FDA's Medical Devices unit and our FDA reviewer. On the Imaging3 side of the meeting, Dean will be there, Jim Cohen (lead attorney at MWE), and our Consulting Firm's Technical writer. The goal is to iron out key points needed to gain FDA approval once the new 510K is submitted. Again, the impression I got is: Dean is hopeful of a June answer from the FDA (again, an estimate on the timeline).

During the question and answer period, several other key questions and answers occured that I know the I-Hub Board members are interested in:

Is there enough cash to keep the company going through the new resubmittal process? Answer: several million dollars more are available (if needed) from the Investment firm who gave Imaging3 the recent million dollars. Money will not be a problem!

Will there be any new PPM's or dilution with the new approved shares in the mix? No new PPM's on the horizon. I'm assuming there would have to be some dilution should the Investment firm provide more cash! Also, the majority of the new approved shares will only be used in case of a potential "hostile takeover" occuring.
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08/30/11 9:43 AM

#46720 RE: Woodberry578 #46707

BA was there?? why in the world would he be there??

NOT an officer
NOT an employee

if you had some friend who didnt know anything about IMGG and attended the magic show how and why would you justify BA's attendence??