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08/29/11 11:28 AM

#46673 RE: chevyman #46666

Chevy, the question is, why is this prototype hidden anywhere at all? Why is it not at a luminary site racking up the valuable data the FDA needs to approve it, just like Dean said it would be 5 years ago, and just like the FDA has requested. (demanded)
Why did Dean acknowledge the DVIS needed to be placed somewhere to collect data all those years ago, yet it still hasn't happened? Instead 5 years later he he has an OH to show it to some shareholders that don't even know what they are looking at??

If that DVIS was ready to spit out the quality 3D realtims images, like Dean claimed it was all those years ago, it would've been placed at a site, and the technicians using it would have been raving about it, and you would have yourself a legitimate product. Until someone with that is a respected professional endorses the DVIS, it is nothing more than a Concept IMO. A great concept, but a concept none the less.

So Dean is requesting the meeting today huh? And it will take a minimum of 30 days to hear back from them, and then set a date??
If in fact the meeting takes place, will there be minutes of the meeting available, or do we have to count on Dean's version? Not that I don't trust the man, but........