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08/29/11 8:13 AM

#30738 RE: StockVoyager #30737

I think the supporters turned into bashers until we start running again. Penny stock bandwagoneers (IMO). They will return this week after we get our bid back.


08/29/11 12:46 PM

#30786 RE: StockVoyager #30737

I'm still here, V !!!

I've just been lurkin' to see in what form the latest round of negativity will be. Same Old Arguments, As Usual, Save One: The No Bid Issue.

Well, we're just into the Monday Market three hours and over 200 million shears of ICOA has already traded. So much for the No Bid threat.

I, for one, think George is struggling with the latest round of "Market See-Saw" just like everyone else. And, I think this is creating a difficult situation for George. Now, could I be wrong? You Bet! Have I been PROVEN wrong, yet? Nope! Not by a long shot.

So, let the criticism continue unabated. And while it does, I will be doing what I've always been doing:

"Keepin' Da Faith"

-= :-) =-
