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08/26/11 12:23 PM

#22846 RE: bobhwang #22845

I am afraid 40% premium will make it just... $.0007 per share.

I am expecting at least $.01!
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Mister Young

08/26/11 12:30 PM

#22847 RE: bobhwang #22845

Very possible here.
I just wonder when some big company would buy cgfia?
After permit, or when we start mining?

If after permit, what would be the price?
Because 40% from 0006 is not enough...

i would say: 15million in revenue, p/e 10 = 150 million
6 billion shares --> 2.5 cents
+40% = 3.5 cents
+the value of mines = ???

Lets say 10cents per share (because its just property, no production)
So that makes about 15cents, would be a 250 bagger...

I'd go for that scenario...

However i think they wont give that for the mines (and i know they are more valuable then 10cents/share... a lot more)
I think a total offer of 5cent per share is more realistic.
Still a 83bagger... (i never went over 15 so far. ;) )
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08/26/11 2:10 PM

#22851 RE: bobhwang #22845

That would be a disaster for most of us. Some are hoping for 40.00.00% !
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08/26/11 2:13 PM

#22852 RE: bobhwang #22845

That would be something big. I wonder how large of an offer CGFIA could get in terms of PPS.(I'd like to imagine an offer in the neighborhood of $3.75, but I'm not making any guarantees!)