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08/25/11 8:09 PM

#31033 RE: NismoGolfer #31009

Pls read and pls advise guys.
yah this surely is a RM candidate, since its CEO Weiss is fervently looking for a company to merge into( and not acquire since he doesn’t have the money). The thing he has are shares -- the ones returned by JR and co. Also Weiss has connections ( he is an attorney) and he has a company with current filings. So we can safely conclude that he will find a company soon enough for us to merge into. Watch for the PR. What I don’t know at this stage is how good that company will be, or the deal.

I am NOW just speaking aloud my thoughts here, after the BRZL experience:
I have come to the conclusion that pinkies are a place where one can profit, and profit hard, provided you don’t enter into long positions, but rather day trade, swing trade or just flip while the going is good.
BRZL- RE deal ( or rather NO deal) has taught me much--- look at the parties involved-- Sam Weiss an established attorney and J Renfro an established man in oil industry... both people well educated and well connected and good record and reputation. Both also having noble intentions--- no pump and dump was witnessed during the ' courtship' period.
JR I believe did try his hardest to get the oil flowing, but despite his good intentions and motives he failed miserably... and so the deal fell. What does all this teach me? NO MATTER HOW GOOD THE INTENTIONS OF PEOPLE OR COMPANY ARE, WHAT MATTERS MORE THAN NOBILITY AND GOOD INTENTIONS ARE CASH, RESOURCES AND RESOURCEFULNESS.... yes it’s the bigger richer companies with abundant resources who make things happen. While the fledglings here at pinkies capitulate and perish (usually). Very seldom does a company get out of the morass of inadequacy, scanty resources and the pits of pinkness! its like THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET POORER.--- lol one who who has much, more shll be given and one who has less, that too will be taken away!

I KNOW some pinkies do make it-- but MOST DON’T... and I am now talking about the RULE and NOT the EXCEPTION.

What lesson am I taking home from BRZL experience?

I am walking out of Pinkies. I am now convinced that its MOST IMPORTANT TO PRESERVE the capital... its of secondary importance to make profit.. Its something like losing the whole for a part-- that’s pinkie play! I am now probably getting into day trading/ swing trading/ flipping NOT OF PINKIES, BUT of blue chips--- GOOG, AAPL MSFT and some other safer but sterling investments like commodities ( precious metals like GOLD SILVER AND OIL). These also can go down, and do from time to time, but they recover smartly only to deliver profit consistently. It may take time.. . and the profit margin may be around 30% - 70% or even less / annum, ------ which one can earn in a good day at pinkies-----but there is virtually no risk of losing the CAPITAL—which is so possible at pinkie play.
Pinkies have taught me ( especially the BRZL ) this precious and yet bitter lesson-- PRESERVE THE CAPITAL.

I don’t have the mental make up to be a shorter, neither do i wish to become one. And above options seem to be the best bet for me. Pls tell me about better options than these. Pls guys I welcome you to offer sound advice, I will welcome that. If I have lost money, i consider myself having inadequate knowledge and to over come that I am prepared to learn hard and surmount that inadequacy. Feel free to give good advice what I should do.. and thank you all very very much for everything... I have also learned in life that EVERY HUMAN teaches us something, as also all experiences teach us... even the worst enemy teaches us something ( lol the preciousness of the loved ones for one, and our own sordid inadequacies)... yep I am in the reflection and study mode... God bless each one of you and thank you in advance; may the Lord help you accomplish all your righteous goals.. My best wishes are with one and all here---- Kooks