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Alex G

08/25/11 2:09 PM

#152634 RE: arizona1 #152632

so will Cantor tell FEMA to go away if the hurricane comes spinning their way?... how do these sociopaths like Cantor keep getting elected?

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08/25/11 3:13 PM

#152654 RE: arizona1 #152632

Cantor and VA gov Bob McDonnell, who was recently named Chair of the RNC, had a media event in Mineral VA and promised those people they will get help...but other things those people need will have to be cut back. Cantor never mentioned the fed gov't has a budget for such emergency events, so he/McDonnell will look like hero/s when financial aid comes to Mineral, VA.
Now Cantor and his newly-minted buddy Bob McDonnell have Hurricane Irene to contend with and how they'll explain the fed gov't should not help - damaged roads, etc. - will be interesting.

Little Eric Cantor is determined to ride the Teabagger Express right to the Speaker's chair...Watch your back Boehner, but you probably know that already!

Good question - WHO votes for these people?
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08/25/11 5:48 PM

#152663 RE: arizona1 #152632

Pat Robertson Blames Mild Earthquake on People Who Seem Kind of Gay

Almighty’s Anger at Metrosexuals Caused Ambiguous Quake

VIRGINIA BEACH (The Borowitz Report) – Evangelist Pat Robertson sparked controversy in today’s broadcast of his 700 Club program by saying that yesterday’s mild East Coast earthquake was God’s revenge on people “who act kind of gay.”

“All across the Eastern seaboard, there are men who get manicures, wear designer eyewear and know about thread counts,” Rev. Robertson. “God finds this somewhat gay-like behavior confusing, and He responded by getting mildly peeved.”

The televangelist warned that if Americans persist in their “seemingly sort-of-gay behavior,” the country should brace itself for additional ambiguous acts of retaliation from the Almighty.

“God will strike back at people who act sort of gay with all kinds of mild responses,” he said. “If you keep getting pedicures and facials, you can expect two to three inches of rain and some really hot humid days in your future.”

Rev. Robertson said that New Yorkers who reacted in an over-the-top way to yesterday’s temblor “run the risk of moderately annoying the Heavenly Father yet again.”

“God looks at people who get their panties in a twist after a little shaking, and He says to Himself, ‘Wow, that’s really kind of gay,’” he said.

Elsewhere, in Libya an exit strategy was being discussed in which Muammar Gaddafi would relinquish all power but still be Mayor of Tripoli on FourSquare