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08/25/11 11:35 AM

#29324 RE: igotthemojo #29316

The government wastes.....err "invests" money in wonderful technology all the time. I am not entirely sure spider silk is proper in a bullet-proof vest anyways, too much flex and the bullet's energy will get transferred to the wearer too soon, dunno.

You can get a huge tax credit on a prius b/c it is eco friendly
(too bad it was proven that buying a prius doesn't result in less emission unless you own it for 10 YEARS, [due to the huge emissions from mining and building the batteries, and the batteries are toxic as heck]}

The government usually picks losers, trust 6 years.....i saw some amazingly useless wastes of government conracts for "new technology", we had a 1 million $ satellite terminal(SMART-T) and a 500k sat terminal(STT) guess which one was the best and the one we actually used? exactly.

Who cares...kblb doesnt need body armor to be successful......let's worry about getting the foot in the door SOMEWHERE, I dunno make stuffed-goat pets out of spidersilk or something.