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06/12/05 4:52 PM

#13662 RE: bbotcs #13660

bbotcs, I don't know how we can classify an investor that brought MDF at .75 and sold at $2.00, anywhere near a failure, just because it went to $3.00. Because if we look at it that way I'm sure even all of us on this board, are failures, and you know what let me fail everytime. If every stock I have goes up 167%, trust me I won't be caring about the 133% I missed. Then again, I have a different style then most on the board, my churn rate is pretty huge, but we do what works, and that's how I have been successful.

As for the first part of your message, I do agree that we are more likely to let emotion take over us, because we watch our portfolios every minute, and they move signifcantly everyday like a pinball machine, and it is hard to keep emotions in check, but we have to to be successful. My biggest problem is selling stocks too early, but thats fine with me, because the one thing that drives me nuts is having a nice profit, and losing it back and more to spare (CTIG.ob for example), and although my returns might be slightly better if I was consistently holding on, what can I say if I'm producing 20%+ returns every year then I really don't need anymore then that, I'd rather keep my sanity. Of course all of this is just my humble opinion.


06/12/05 9:53 PM

#13670 RE: bbotcs #13660

Re: "Not holding a stock long enough"......I agree that is hard to do sometimes or more likely most of the time. I would refer most all here to read "Remininces of a Stock Operator" the story of legendary speculater Jese Livermore. He has some great advice and wisdom we could all benefit from.

Sometimes illiquidity has helped me to my benefit.....I couldn't sell my big position I had quietly accumalated if I wanted to. So I had to wait for big demand to develop.....and sometime's "they" sneak the stock up so you cant't even sell it till it IS the top. Funny how that has happenened before.

Once had 100,000 shares of CYD at an average of about .47 cents.......the bulk of it was sold at $4.25-4.50. Good job correct??. I kept a "token" 2,000 shares that I sold later in the year at $17-$22. Before the year was over it had topped out at $37 and change.