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08/24/11 12:09 AM

#12939 RE: frodo_1978 #12938

it certainly isn't, but you know how the penny market is. momo will drive this again in the near future, and i like you, am quietly loading for that run. there are numerous substantial news events that could literally hit any day.


08/24/11 4:45 PM

#12950 RE: frodo_1978 #12938


Neither the market nor the LYJN PPS currently factors-in the unprecendented contracts and corresponding sales associated with LYJN's highly lucrative WAL-MART and CLAIRE'S BOUTIQUE retail sales impacts!!! Moreover, that's not to mention the fact that LYJN continues to offer its upscale, seasonal product lines in respected department stores such as MACY'S & BLOOMINGDALES! LYJN is REVENUE POSITIVE; LYJN has products moving off the sales floor of large, national chains (gianormus in the case of WAL-MART) at nothing-but-impressive figures; and LYJN has future 10Q reports that shall prove nothing short of jaw-dropping!

Yet, for no good reason we sit here waiting... languishing in PPS values that are no less than insulting to what LYJN is, has accomplished, and most certainly will accomplish within the next ground-breaking 12 months! All I can recommend is that investors and potential with enough business and economics knowledge to see this play for what it is (and shall soon be) keep loading your boats. For when the the 3rd and 4th Quarter 2011 LYJN 10Qs issue (not to mention the 2012 10Qs), a flood of epic porportions will almost certainly ensue, lifting our loaded boats to new and never-before-seen PPS value heights!

LYJN is about to ROCK, and I SALUTE her!!!