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08/22/11 7:52 PM

#640 RE: Hostile Takeover #639

yep ..

all jmo


08/22/11 10:23 PM

#641 RE: Hostile Takeover #639

...yeah....but why????



08/23/11 8:03 AM

#644 RE: Hostile Takeover #639

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. confirmed Monday that its chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein, and other executives hired outside lawyers to advise them after the U.S. Senate referred a report on the bank's activities to the Justice Department earlier this year.

GS has the best money can buy..before outside lawyers,, the ramifications of outside lawyers is very telling. First and formost infrence is the arms distance affect having outside lawyers in representation. How can outside lawyers be required to knowledgeable.. if they are "outside( the daily operations) lawyers".

The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will fall, over a period, which I believe, will befined as a time frame by those same "outside lawyers",, GS is going for the Statute of Limitations "escape".