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08/22/11 3:33 PM

#452 RE: NYBob #450

Chaves the khazars banksters pawn, doing his best -
to scare away investors from e.g., KRY -

KRY has the largest gold deposit in the world -
I am been a shareholder for more than 20yrs. -

Chaves the gangsters pawn would never scare me away!
he is to stupid and brainwashed by the banksters -
the cults bigpharma who is about to kill Chaves off by
their chemicals pillz, chemo terapy, radiation and the rest of
their idiots fraud schemes, lol 666-idiotz satanz evilz -

Gold will hit $2,100 within weeks -
GATA e-mail message.
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In an essay written exclusively tonight for King World News,
Hinde Capital CEO Ben Davies accelerates his prediction for gold
to break $2,000, on account of quickening recognition, prompted
by Venezuela's repatriation of its gold reserve, that the
Western fractional-reserve gold banking system is woefully
exposed to a short squeeze.

"This," Davies writes, "will get other governments, central
banks, and financial institutions that hold their gold abroad
to reconsider their gold holding locations.
We could see further repatriation of gold home.
Maybe the Europeans will ask for a return of their gold.
Remember last time a European did that? August, 15, 1971,
and Nixon’s closing of the gold window were the response.
And the rest is history" -

you can find more of it here: