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08/19/11 9:05 AM

#309 RE: plfminthemiddle #308

post from another board by safari norman

Hi sobeit,
i bought 65,000 Blinkx this morning
in 3 lots at 30,000/20,000/15,000 total 65,000
the reason is i am 100% certain SC will see Blinkx taken over within 2 years.
The big buying you saw and mentioned was BlackRock.

As far as ML and SC getting together that is now gone unless HP take over Blinkx,
which i do not think they will do, it is more likely they HP sell their holding in Blinkx to pay for part of their takeover of AU, this is normal practice, i have seen it so often.

The other thing as you say there may be a counter bid for AU.

Then there are the Autonomy shareholders that will put some or all their money into what i have always known as a ML/SC company called Blinkx.

There is also Burst which Blinkx bought, superb move, and we should all note that AU were in discussions since last April with HP.
And we should all remember what SC once said a couple of years ago,
''that he did not mind being part of a bigger group''
i took that as he was OK if Blinkx was taken over,
i am sure it will, and SC will want to be the technical director of a bigger company,
and that is what he is best at, the technical side.

HP will add on the right to continue using its technical part that Autonomy had, and Blinkx will start to pay a royalty for that next year.

And both Blinkx and AU are in the same office, Blinkx pays rent to AU [ or is it ML ? ]
it does not matter, Blinkx still pays rent.
For those who have noticed i have not put any info on here for a while, there were reasons, some to do with my wish to buy Blinkx in September, and another reason was i did not want to be accused of talking the share price down.
A small last bit, i also said at the time of TAZ it was silly to short Blinkx, and the reason that Blinkx will have shed its shorters now is
=Blinkx is in play for the next 2 years=
and i did get annoyed at Haystack for his silly prediction of 3p, but i also feel sorry for him as the brighter shorters had left, he was the stand alone shorter, and the stockmarket is a gamble, if people short a share they must know they risk losing it all, they can win 9 times out of 10 its the 10th or before that eventually wipes them out.