Stop with the misrepresentation. The Global Lock (or what you call the 'chill') was NOT LIFTED. No one ever said it would be.
The DTC agreed to help those who had tried to transact shares (unknowingly) AFTER the lock went into place and were therefore unable to settle the trades. There was NO shorts there was just uncompleted bookkeeping due to the lock.
The DTC was quite explicit there would not be any new transactions in the global locked companies, there would just be a week long period in which PREVIOUSLY completed sales could be closed out.
No one could sell this week because the global lock is still in place and only those brokerages that were closing their trades manually were active. If you couldn't sell your shares through the globsal lock last week, you still couldn't sell them this week.
The dtcc has locked RCCH apparently with very good reason, those reasons have not changed.